We are committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of our customers. We take your safety online extremely seriously. We have provided our privacy policies below to better serve our customers and to inform them of how we handle your personal data.

We collect data about your.

It\’s important to understand what data we gather. You can find information on your email address, name, street address as well as business name, postal code, country, city as well as your telephone number and password, among others. Information is collected in different ways. Cookies are first used to gather data, store, and manage non-personally identifiable users data. Personal identifiable data refers to data that is unique to you. For instance, the number on your credit card or your bank account. The information you provide is unique.

Information serves many functions.

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Registration and Ordering:

When you register, you\’ll be asked to provide your name as well as contact information, including the phone number, address (shipping and billing), email addresses, as well as credit card information. We may ask you to give us the country where you reside so that we can be in compliance with applicable laws. This type of information is collected in order to manage your bill and complete your purchase. These details could be used internally for marketing, or to inform clients regarding their purchase or websites. In the event that there is a problem with the order process, we may contact you using the information collected.

Email Addresses

You can receive amazing deals by signing up for our newsletter. You can enter any contest that you want, and we’ll send you the necessary information.

3. Privacy Protection

We do NOT rent or trade your personal information. We employ encryption software that is that is of the highest quality. Every employee must sign confidentiality agreements that restrict them from sharing any information with anyone.